Frases en Hebreo
Letra G a la I
Transliteración Hebrea (Sefardi) |
Traducción Español |
Hebrew Transliteration (Askenazi ) |
English Translation |
G |
G |
Galui Le-Ayin |
Perceptible a los ojos; Visible; Obvio; Notable; Detectable; Evidente |
Galui Le-Ayin |
Perceptible to the Eye; Visible; Obvious; Noticeable; Detectable; Evident |
Gam Zu leTovah |
Esto es para bien |
Gam Zu leTovah |
This is for the Good [best] |
Gam Atah; Gam At |
Lo mismo para ti (a el); (a ella) |
Gam Atah; Gam At |
The same to you [him]; [to her] |
Gavrá Rabbá |
Un Gran Hombre |
Gavra Rabbah |
A Great Man |
Germanit |
Alemán |
Germanit |
German |
Gesundheit (Yiddish) |
Salud! (En Yidish, cuando alguien estornuda) |
Gesundheit (Yiddish) |
Literally - Health. A response when someone sneezes |
Goyish (masc.) Goyisha (fem.) |
No judío; No judía (Yidish) |
Goyish (masc.) Goyisha (fem.) |
Not Jewish |
Gut Shabbes! (Yiddish) |
Shabat Shalom-Buén Sábat (Yid.) |
Gut Shabbes! (Yiddish) |
Good Sabbath! |
Gut Yontev! (Yiddish) |
Felices Fiestas! (Yidish) |
Gut Yontev! (Yiddish) |
Good Holiday! |
Gut Yontiff! (Yiddish) |
Felices Fiestas! (Yidish) |
Gut Yontiff! (Yiddish) |
Good Holiday! |
H |
H |
HaAv |
El Padre, el papá |
HaAv |
The Father |
Hajamenu Zikronam Liverajá |
Nuestros sabios, de bendita memoria |
Hachamenu Zichronam Liveracha |
Our Sages, May Their Memory be a Blessing |
Hainu Hak |
Es la misma cosa |
Hainu Hach
It is the Same Thing |
HaIvrí |
El hebreo |
HaIvri |
The Hebrew |
HaKash SheShavar et Gav HaGamal
La gota que colmó el vaso |
HaKash SheShavar et Gav HaGamal
The Straw That Broke the Camel's Back |
HaKodesh Baruj Hu |
El Santo, Bendito es Él |
HaKodesh Baruch Hu
Holy One, Blessed be He |
Hakol |
Todos, Todo |
Hakol |
All |
Hakol Beséder? |
Está todo bién?; Te va bién? |
Hakol Beseder? |
Is Everything O.K.? |
Hakol Beséder B'Eli Haséder |
Todo está bién (en órden) dentro del caos |
Hakol Beseder B'Eli Haseder |
Everything is in Order Within the Chaos |
Halevei! (Halevai) |
Pueda ser que se haga realidad! |
Halevei! (Halevai) |
Would That It Came True! |
Hallelu et Adonai |
Alabado sea El Señor |
Hallelu et Ad-nai |
O Praise YHVH |
HaMa'eiven Yavin |
Los que saben entender |
HaMa'eiven Yavin |
Those Who Know Understand |
Ha'omnam'? |
De verdad?; Es cierto? |
Ha'omnam'? |
Really? |
HaRosh Mistovev |
Mi cabeza me da vueltas |
HaRosh Mistovev |
My Head is Spinning |
Har'Beh |
Mucho, muchos |
Har'Beh |
A Lot, Many, Much |
Hashem Yimloj LeOlam Va'ed |
Hashem reinará por siempre y para siempre |
Hashem Yimloch LeOlam Va'ed -
YHVH Will Reign Forever and Ever |
Hashem Yitbaraj |
Hashem sea bendecido |
Hashem Yitbarach
YHVH, May He be Blessed |
Hashem Yaazor |
[Espero] Dios ayudará |
Hashem Yaazor |
[I hope that] G-d Shall Help |
Hatzlajá Rabá |
Mucho éxito! (Buena suerte) |
Hatzlacha Rabbah! |
Much Success! (as a greeting - Good Luck!) |
Havaráh Ashkenazit |
Pronunciación asquenazí |
Havarah Ashkenazit |
Ashkenazi pronunciation of Hebrew - Current in some Diaspora circles |
Havaráh Sefaradit |
Pronunciación sefardí |
Havarah Sefaradit |
Sephardi pronunciation of Hebrew - Current Pronunciation in Yisrael |
HaYakar (masc.) HaY'karáh (fem.) |
Querido, Querida |
HaYakar (masc.) HaY'karah (fem.) |
Dear, Beloved |
Hayalim Kedoshim |
Soldados santos |
Hayalim Kedoshim |
Holy Soldiers |
Haya Naim Me'od |
Ha sido un placer (al despedirse) |
Haya Naim Me'od |
It's Been a Pleasure [greeting at departing] |
HaYanayim Me'od |
Adios, ha sido maravilloso |
HaYanayim Me'od |
Goodbye, I had a Delightful Time |
Hejal |
Lugar Santo |
Holy Place |
Hem (masc.) Hen (fem.) |
Ellos, Ellas |
Hem (masc.) Hen (fem.) |
They |
Hishtagata (masc.) Hishtagat? (fem.) |
Te has vuelto loco?. Estas loca? |
Hishtagata (masc.) Hishtagat? (fem.) |
Have You Gone Mad?; Are You Nuts?; Have You Lost it?; Are You Crazy? |
Histalek! |
Lárgate! |
Histalek! |
Go Away! |
Hotza'at Dibah |
Calumniar; publicar una calumnia |
Hotza'at Dibah |
Sending Forth of Slander; idiomatically, Publication of Slander/Libel |
I |
I |
Ihulim Levaviim |
Mis mejores deseos |
Ihulim Levaviim |
Best Wishes |
Ijulim |
Congratulaciones |
Ichulim - Ijulim |
Greetings |
Im Yirtzeh Elokim |
Si Dios quiere |
Im Yirtzeh Elokim |
If It Pleases G-d |
Im (Ima) |
Mamá |
Im (Ima) |
Mother |
Imi |
Mi mamá |
Imi |
My Mother |
Im Shajar |
Al amanecer |
Im Shachar -
At Dawn |
Ish |
Hombre |
Ish |
Man |
Ishah |
Mujer |
Ishah |
Woman |
Ishti |
Mi esposa |
Ishti |
My Wife |
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