Glosario Hebreo


Glosario Hebreo sobre Nidá

Ashkenazi Se refiere a las comunidades Judias de Centro o europa del Este
Bedikah Examinación Interna (pl. bedikot)
Bedikah Ropa Ropa blanca usada para el Examen Interno, tambien llamado ED
Braja Bendición; Bendiciones que son recitadas en varias ocasiones incluyendo en la inmersion -mikveh- ritual. (pl. brajot)
Tiempo de las Velitas En muchos lugares cerca de 20 minutos antes de la puesta del sol en las tardes de los Viernes..
Cesarea Operación quirurgica para extraer un bebe a traves del abdomen
Cervix La "Nuca" del Utero. La parte que se abre en la vagina.
Chabad o Jabad Lubavitch, un subgrupo de  Jasidism
Chatan o Jatan El Novio (algunas veces tambien pronunciado  Josson)
Chatzitzah o Jatzitzah Barrera externa -asunto ajeno- que impide una valida inmersion o mikveh.
Chupah o Jupah Ceremonia Judia de matrimonio  (literalmente, canopia matrimonial)
Chupat Niddah o Jupat Niddah ceremonia matrimonial en que la novia esta bajo niddah
Dam Betulim "Sangre Virginal" o Sangrado del Hymen después de la primera relación
Dam Chimud o Dam Jimud Sangrado producido por la excitación del acercamiento de la boda.
Ed ver Bedikah ropa
Erev Shabbat Atardecer antes del Shabat, vale decir, Viernes por la tarde/noche.
Erev Yom Tov Atardecer antes de un Dia de Fiesta
Haflagah Interval (number of days) from the first day of one menstrual period to the first day of the next (inclusive)
Halacha Jewish law
Harchakot Restrictions designed to minimize the possibility of physical contact between a couple while the wife is niddah
Hefsek Taharah Internal examination to establish that uterine bleeding has ceased (also called hefsek)
Henetz Hachamah Sunrise (also called netz hachamah, netz)
Iyar Jewish lunar month following Nisan
Kallah Bride
Ketem A stain that may render a woman niddah (pl. ketamim)
Levanim Literally white [days], another term for shivah neki'im
Meineket A woman during the 24 months after childbirth (literally, breastfeeding woman)
Menopause Point in a woman's lifecycle where menstruation stops completely
Menses A synonym for menstruation
Menstruation Hormonally regulated shedding of the uterine lining
Mesuleket Damim A woman who would not normally menstruate, amenorrheic
Meuberet Pregnant woman
Mikveh Ritual bath in which a niddah immerses and becomes tehorah, also spelled mikvah (pl. mikvaot)
Mitzvah Commandment (pl. mitzvot)
Moch Dachuk Bedikah cloth inserted into the vagina from sunset until nightfall immediately following hefsek taharah (also called moch)
Nisan Jewish lunar month which falls during March and April
Niddah Halachic status, acquired through menstruation or other uterine bleeding, during which physical contact between husband and wife is forbidden.
Onah Literally, a time period (pl. onot)(1) one day or night, measured from sunrise to sunset or from sunset to sunrise(2) the length of one menstrual cycle(3) the mitzvah for a couple to have relations (mitzvat onah)
Onah Beinonit 30-day average interval between periods
Onat Perishah Period of separation at the time of expected menses; marital relations are forbidden and the woman must do an internal examination. (pl. Onot Perishah)
Ovulation The exit of a mature ova (egg) from the ovary
Rosh Chodesh Beginning of a new Hebrew month, observed on the 1st day of the month. If the previous month had 30 days, then Rosh Chodesh is observed for two days: the 30th of the previous and the 1st of the next.
Sephardic Refers to Jewish communities of Mediterranean or Middle Eastern origin
Shabbat Sabbath, a day of rest observed from sunset Friday until nightfall Saturday (also called Shabbos)
Shekiat Hachamah Sunset (also called shekiah)
Shivah Week of mourning following the death of a close relative
Shivah Neki'im Seven blood-free days counted as part of the process of exiting the halachic status of niddah
Shulchan Aruch Authoritative code of Jewish law
Sivan Jewish lunar month following Iyar
Taharah (1) Removal of niddah status; (2) Ritual purity
Taharah Cloth see Bedikah cloth
Tammuz Jewish lunar month following Sivan
Tehorah Halachic status of a woman who is not niddah
Tevilah Immersion in the mikveh
Tisha B'Av Fast day commemorating destruction of the Temple
Trauma An action that can cause a wound
Tumah V'taharah Ritual purity and impurity
Tzet Hakochavim Nightfall (literally, when the stars come out, also called tzet)
Uterus The womb, the muscular organ where a pregnancy develops
Vagina The external opening of the female genital tract
Veset Time or circumstance when menstruation is anticipated
Veset Haguf Menstrual cycle whose timing is based on physical symptoms
Veset Hayamim Menstrual cycle whose timing is based on the calendar
Veset Kavua Established cycle, regular period
Veset She'eino Kavua Irregular cycle, menstrual pattern which is not yet established
Yoledet Woman during the period after childbirth
Yom Hachodesh Date exactly one Hebrew month after the beginning of a woman's previous menses
Yom Kippur Day of Atonement
Yom Tov Holiday, on which work is forbidden (also called Yuntif)


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