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Dayenu Song
Can You See an Angel? Chabruta.

R. Dr. Yehuda Eliezri, R. Pinchas Frankel, T. Eliyahu BaYona 

Yom HaDin

Why the suffering of the righteous?

 Commemorating the Shloshim of Dr. Baruch Frankel, beloved son of Rabbi Pinchas and Miriam Frankel. By Rabbi Dr. Jacob J. Schacter.  Congregation Bais Torah, Monsey, New York.

R. Dr. Jacob J. Schacter
Who is and when the Messiah will come? Chabruta.

R. Dr. Yehuda Eliezri, R. Pinchas Frankel, T. Eliyahu BaYona

Gifts for the merit of the departed ones R. Dr. Yehuda Eliezri

Why the letter Nun is missing?

R. Dr. Yehuda Eliezri
The Shul.

36th Annual Dinner of Congregation Bais Torah. Honoring Rabbi Berel Wein, Lifetime Achievement Award; Marilyn Sapir, Aishes Chayil Award; Allen Nussbaum, Presidential Award; Yis Helprin, Gabbai of the Year Award. Location: Crowne Plaza Hotel, Suffern, New York. May 15, 2011

R. Yisroel Gottlieb
What the Ark represents. R. Berel Wein
Moshe's Face shone

When did Moshe's face acquire the light? This was the time of the receiving of the second tablets. This followed a long and tragic episode in the life of the people. They had all stood at Mount Sinai, heard God's voice, and, soon after, fell so far by making the golden calf...Moshe's face shined when God spoke with him. But, Moshe's face did not shine after the first encounter with God when the new covenant was made between God and the people after the exodus from Egypt...

R. Dr. Yehuda Eliezri
God of Faith.

Shiur by R. Dr. Yehuda Eliezri about the faith that God has in us.

NOTICE: The images do not belong to the original talk because a video-technical problem. The audio is the important issue. Sorry.

R. Dr. Yehuda Eliezri
Meaning of Tu Bishvat also called "Rosh HaShanah La'Ilanot"

Bais Torah Dinner 2012 -37th Annual Dinner Congregation Bais Torah, Monsey, New York

R. Yisroel Gottlieb
37th Annual Dinner Bais Torah Congregation from Monsey, New York

Honorees: Simcha Friedman -Gabbai of the Year; Sandy Thurm -Aishes Chayil Award; and Memorial Tribute to Manny Frankel Z"L, Past President of Bais Torah Congregation.

Bais Torah Congregation
37th Annual Dinner Bais Torah Congregation from Monsey, New York

Guests of Honor: Rabbi Dr. Yehuda and Judi Eliezri

Bais Torah Congregation
People with not share in the Olam Haba Chabruta.

R. Dr. Yehuda Eliezri, R. Pinchas Frankel, T. Eliyahu BaYona


The Subverted Cities -Hanidachat

Learning Talmud about the punishment of the Subverted cities: Hanidachat. Talmud Bavli Sanhedrin 112b


R. Dr. Yehuda Eliezri, R. Pinchas Frankel, T. Eliyahu BaYona


Contradictions R. Dr Yehuda Eliezri
Pesach, Matzah, Matzor

Shiur given by Rabbi Dr. Yehuda Eliezri about rabbinical interpretation of Pesach. On the aniversary of his mother Shalva Eliezri.

R. Dr Yehuda Eliezri

In Parashat Emor Ramban view over Sukot.

Chabura: R. Yehuda Eliezri, R. Pinchas Frankel and Moré Eliyahu BaYona. From Monsey, New York.


R. Dr. Yehuda Eliezri, R. Pinchas Frankel, T. Eliyahu BaYona


The Chosen Place of Hashem

Talmidei Chachamim learning from Ramban about the place chosen by Hashem to worship Him. Rabbi Yehuda Eliezri, Eliyahu Bayonah and Lenys Margulis discusses about Devarim Parsha Reéh

Pesach - Matzah and Maror  










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