Richard Axel , olfactory system, Nobel
Prize (2004)
Julius Axelrod , neurotransmitters, Nobel Prize
David Baltimore , reverse transcriptase, Nobel Prize
Baruj Benacerraf , immunologist, Nobel Prize (1980)
Paul Berg , recombinant DNA, Nobel Prize (1980)
Richard Bing , cardiologist
Konrad Bloch , cholesterol, Nobel Prize (1959)
Baruch Blumberg , hepatitis B vaccine, Nobel Prize
Michael S. Brown , molecular geneticist, Nobel Prize
Stanley Cohen , neurologist, Nobel Prize (1986)
Stanley N. Cohen , genetic engineering
Gerty Cori , biochemist, Nobel Prize (1947)
Jared Diamond , evolutionary biologist and
Carl Djerassi , contraceptive pill
Brian David Dynlacht , biochemist, TFIID (1991) and
Gerald Edelman , biologist, Nobel Prize (1972)
Gertrude Elion , drug development, Nobel Prize (1988)
Joseph Erlanger , physiologist, Nobel Prize (1945)
Edmond H. Fischer , biochemist, Nobel Prize (1992) (Jewish
Judah Folkman , cancer angiogenesis
Casimir Funk , vitamins
Robert F. Furchgott , pharmacologist, Nobel Prize
Alfred G. Gilman , biochemist, Nobel Prize (1994)
Joseph L. Goldstein , molecular geneticist, Nobel
Prize (1985)
Stephen Jay Gould , evolutionary biologist and writer
Paul Greengard , neuroscientist, Nobel Prize (2000)
Michael Heidelberger , immunochemist
Jerome Horowitz , AZT
H. Robert Horvitz , biologist, Nobel Prize (2002)
Eric R. Kandel , neuroscientist, Nobel Prize (2000)
Charles Kelman , cataract surgery
Albert Kligman , dermatologist
Arthur Kornberg , DNA replication, Nobel Prize (1959)
Roger Kornberg , RNA transcription, Nobel Prize
(2006) (son of Arthur Kornberg)
Eric Lander , Human Genome Project
Esther Lederberg , geneticist [1]
Joshua Lederberg , molecular biologist, Nobel Prize
Richard Lerner , therapeutic antibodies
Rita Levi-Montalcini , neurologist, Nobel Prize
Michael S. Levine , developmental biologist,
discoverer of homeobox
Richard Lewontin , evolutionary biologist
Fritz Lipmann , coenzyme A, Nobel Prize (1953)
Otto Loewi , acetylcholine, Nobel Prize (1936)
Abraham Low , neuropsychiatrist, Recovery
International founder
Salvador Luria , bacterial evolution, Nobel Prize
Lynn Margulis , Gaia theory
Matthew Meselson , DNA replication
A. L. Mestel , pediatric surgeon, separation of
conjoined twins (1968)
Otto Meyerhof , glycolysis, Nobel Prize (1922)
Stanley Miller , Miller-Urey experiment
Hermann Muller , geneticist, Nobel Prize (1946) (Jewish
Daniel Nathans , microbiologist, Nobel Prize (1978)
Marshall Nirenberg , genetic code, Nobel Prize (1968)
Gregory Pincus , contraceptive pill
Karl Pribram , neurologist
Stanley Prusiner , neurologist, Nobel Prize (1997)
Martin Rodbell , biochemist, Nobel Prize (1994)
Albert Sabin , oral polio vaccine
Jonas Salk , polio vaccine
Albert Schatz , streptomycin
Béla Schick , diphtheria test
Rudolf Schoenheimer , radioactive tracers
Werner Spitz , forensic pathologist
Leo Sternbach , valium
Howard Temin , reverse transcriptase, Nobel Prize
Max Tishler , synthetic vitamins
Harold Varmus , virologist, Nobel Prize (1989)
Selman Waksman , streptomycin, Nobel Prize (1952)
George Wald , retina pigmentation, Nobel Prize (1967)
Charles Weissmann , interferon cloning
Alexander S. Wiener , hematologist and co-discoverer
of the Rh
Rosalyn Yalow , medical physicist, Nobel Prize (1977)
Charles Yanofsky , geneticist
Jump up ^ Obituary, Jewish
Chronicle , January 19, 2007 p.45
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