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sefer bereshit
book of genesis


genesis - chapter 31





[Jacob] began to hear that Laban's sons were saying, 'Jacob has taken everything belonging to our father. He has become rich by taking our father's property!'
Vayishma et-divrey vney-Lavan lemor lakach Ya'akov et kol-asher le'avinu ume'asher le'avinu asah et kol-hakavod hazeh.

אוַיִּשְׁמַ֗ע אֶת־דִּבְרֵ֤י בְנֵֽי־לָבָן֙ לֵאמֹ֔ר לָקַ֣ח יַֽעֲקֹ֔ב אֵ֖ת כָּל־אֲשֶׁ֣ר לְאָבִ֑ינוּ וּמֵֽאֲשֶׁ֣ר לְאָבִ֔ינוּ עָשָׂ֕ה אֵ֥ת כָּל־הַכָּבֹ֖ד הַזֶּֽה:


When Jacob saw Laban in person, [Laban also] did not behave to him as he did before.
Vayar Ya'akov et-peney Lavan vehineh eynenu imo kitmol shilshom.

בוַיַּ֥רְא יַֽעֲקֹ֖ב אֶת־פְּנֵ֣י לָבָ֑ן וְהִנֵּ֥ה אֵינֶ֛נּוּ עִמּ֖וֹ כִּתְמ֥וֹל שִׁלְשֽׁוֹם:


God said to Jacob, 'Go back to your birthplace in the land of your fathers. I will be with you.'
Vayomer Adonay el-Ya'akov shuv el-erets avoteycha ulemoladetecha ve'ehyeh imach.

גוַיֹּ֤אמֶר יְהֹוָה֙ אֶל־יַֽעֲקֹ֔ב שׁ֛וּב אֶל־אֶ֥רֶץ אֲבוֹתֶ֖יךָ וּלְמֽוֹלַדְתֶּ֑ךָ וְאֶֽהְיֶ֖ה עִמָּֽךְ:


Jacob sent word and summoned Rachel and Leah to the field where his flock was.
Vayishlach Ya'akov vayikra le-Rachel ule-Leah hasadeh el-tsono.

דוַיִּשְׁלַ֣ח יַֽעֲקֹ֔ב וַיִּקְרָ֖א לְרָחֵ֣ל וּלְלֵאָ֑ה הַשָּׂדֶ֖ה אֶל־צֹאנֽוֹ:


'I saw your father's face,' he said. 'He is not acting the same with me as he used to. But the God of my father has been with me.
Vayomer lahen ro'eh anochi et-pney avichen ki-eynenu elay kitmol shilshom v'Elohey avi hayah imadi.

הוַיֹּ֣אמֶר לָהֶ֗ן רֹאֶ֤ה אָֽנֹכִי֙ אֶת־פְּנֵ֣י אֲבִיכֶ֔ן כִּֽי־אֵינֶ֥נּוּ אֵלַ֖י כִּתְמֹ֣ל שִׁלְשֹׁ֑ם וֵֽאלֹהֵ֣י אָבִ֔י הָיָ֖ה עִמָּדִֽי:


'You know full well that I served your father with all my strength.
Ve'atenah yedaten ki bechol-kochi avadeti et-avichen.

ווְאַתֵּ֖נָה יְדַעְתֶּ֑ן כִּ֚י בְּכָל־כֹּחִ֔י עָבַ֖דְתִּי אֶת־אֲבִיכֶֽן:


Your father swindled me and changed his mind about my pay at least ten times, but God would not let him harm me.
Va'avichen hetel bi vehechelif et-maskurti aseret monim velo-netano Elohim lehara imadi.

זוַֽאֲבִיכֶן֙ הֵ֣תֶל בִּ֔י וְהֶֽחֱלִ֥ף אֶת־מַשְׂכֻּרְתִּ֖י עֲשֶׂ֣רֶת מֹנִ֑ים וְלֹֽא־נְתָנ֣וֹ אֱלֹהִ֔ים לְהָרַ֖ע עִמָּדִֽי:


If he said, 'Your pay will be the spotted ones,' then all the animals gave birth to spotted young. If he said, 'Ringed ones will be your wage,' then all the animals dropped ringed ones.
Im-ko yomar nekudim yihyeh secharecha veyaldu chol-hatson nekudim ve'im-ko yomar akudim yihyeh secharecha veyaldu chol-hatson akudim.

חאִם־כֹּ֣ה יֹאמַ֗ר נְקֻדִּים֙ יִֽהְיֶ֣ה שְׂכָרֶ֔ךָ וְיָֽלְד֥וּ כָל־הַצֹּ֖אן נְקֻדִּ֑ים וְאִם־כֹּ֣ה יֹאמַ֗ר עֲקֻדִּים֙ יִֽהְיֶ֣ה שְׂכָרֶ֔ךָ וְיָֽלְד֥וּ כָל־הַצֹּ֖אן עֲקֻדִּֽים:


God thus eroded your father's livestock and gave it to me.
Vayatsel Elohim et-mikneh avichem vayiten-li.

טוַיַּצֵּ֧ל אֱלֹהִ֛ים אֶת־מִקְנֵ֥ה אֲבִיכֶ֖ם וַיִּתֶּן־לִֽי:


'During the breeding season, I suddenly had a vision. I saw that the bucks mounting the sheep were ringed, spotted and flecked.
Vayehi be'et yachem hatson va'esa eynay va'ere bachalom vehineh ha'atudim ha'olim al-hatson akudim nekudim uverudim.

יוַיְהִ֗י בְּעֵת֙ יַחֵ֣ם הַצֹּ֔אן וָֽאֶשָּׂ֥א עֵינַ֛י וָאֵ֖רֶא בַּֽחֲל֑וֹם וְהִנֵּ֤ה הָֽעֲתֻּדִים֙ הָֽעֹלִ֣ים עַל־הַצֹּ֔אן עֲקֻדִּ֥ים נְקֻדִּ֖ים וּבְרֻדִּֽים:


'An angel called to me in God's name, 'Jacob!' - and I replied 'Yes.'
Vayomer elay mal'ach ha'Elohim bachalom Ya'akov va'omar hineni.

יאוַיֹּ֨אמֶר אֵלַ֜י מַלְאַ֧ךְ הָֽאֱלֹהִ֛ים בַּֽחֲל֖וֹם יַֽעֲקֹ֑ב וָֽאֹמַ֖ר הִנֵּֽנִי:


He said, 'Raise your eyes, and you will see that the bucks mounting the sheep are ringed, spotted and flecked. Let this be a sign that I have seen all that Laban is doing to you.
Vayomer sa-na eyneycha ur'eh kol-ha'atudim ha'olim al-hatson akudim nekudim uverudim ki ra'iti et kol-asher Lavan oseh lach.

יבוַיֹּ֗אמֶר שָׂא־נָ֨א עֵינֶ֤יךָ וּרְאֵה֙ כָּל־הָֽעֲתֻּדִים֙ הָֽעֹלִ֣ים עַל־הַצֹּ֔אן עֲקֻדִּ֥ים נְקֻדִּ֖ים וּבְרֻדִּ֑ים כִּ֣י רָאִ֔יתִי אֵ֛ת כָּל־אֲשֶׁ֥ר לָבָ֖ן עֹ֥שֶׂה לָּֽךְ:


I am the God of Beth El, where you anointed a pillar and made an oath to Me. Now set out and leave this land. Return to the land where you were born.' '
Anochi ha'El Beyt'El asher mashachta sham matsevah asher nadarta li sham neder atah kum tse min-ha'arets hazot veshuv el-erets moladetecha.

יגאָֽנֹכִ֤י הָאֵל֙ בֵּֽית־אֵ֔ל אֲשֶׁ֨ר מָשַׁ֤חְתָּ שָּׁם֙ מַצֵּבָ֔ה אֲשֶׁ֨ר נָדַ֥רְתָּ לִּ֛י שָׁ֖ם נֶ֑דֶר עַתָּ֗ה ק֥וּם צֵא֙ מִן־הָאָ֣רֶץ הַזֹּ֔את וְשׁ֖וּב אֶל־אֶ֥רֶץ מֽוֹלַדְתֶּֽךָ:


Rachel and Leah both spoke up. 'Do we then still have a portion and an inheritance in our father's estate?' they exclaimed. 'Why, he treats us like strangers!
Vata'an Rachel veLeah vatomarnah lo ha'od lanu chelek venachalah beveyt avinu.

ידוַתַּ֤עַן רָחֵל֨ וְלֵאָ֔ה וַתֹּאמַ֖רְנָה ל֑וֹ הַע֥וֹד לָ֛נוּ חֵ֥לֶק וְנַֽחֲלָ֖ה בְּבֵ֥ית אָבִֽינוּ:


He has sold us and spent the money!
Halo nochri'ot nechshavnu lo ki mecharanu vayochal gam-achol et-kaspenu.

טוהֲל֧וֹא נָכְרִיּ֛וֹת נֶחְשַׁ֥בְנוּ ל֖וֹ כִּ֣י מְכָרָ֑נוּ וַיֹּ֥אכַל גַּם־אָכ֖וֹל אֶת־כַּסְפֵּֽנוּ:


All the wealth that God has taken from our father actually belongs to us and our children. Now, whatever God has said to you, do it!'
Ki chol-ha'osher asher hitsil Elohim me'avinu lanu hu ulevaneynu ve'atah kol asher amar Elohim eleycha

טזכִּ֣י כָל־הָעֹ֗שֶׁר אֲשֶׁ֨ר הִצִּ֤יל אֱלֹהִים֙ מֵֽאָבִ֔ינוּ לָ֥נוּ ה֖וּא וּלְבָנֵ֑ינוּ וְעַתָּ֗ה כֹּל֩ אֲשֶׁ֨ר אָמַ֧ר אֱלֹהִ֛ים אֵלֶ֖יךָ עֲשֵֽׂה:


Sixth Reading
Jacob began the journey, placing his children and wives on the camels.
Vayakom Ya'akov vayisa et-banav ve'et-nashav al-hagemalim.

יזוַיָּ֖קָם יַֽעֲקֹ֑ב וַיִּשָּׂ֛א אֶת־בָּנָ֥יו וְאֶת־נָשָׁ֖יו עַל־הַגְּמַלִּֽים:


He led away all his livestock, and took all the goods he had acquired, including everything that he had bought in Padan Aram. He was heading to see his father Isaac in the land of Canaan.
Vayinhag et-kol-miknehu ve'et-kol-rechusho asher rachash mikneh kinyano asher rachash beFadan Aram lavo el-Yitschak aviv artsah Kena'an.

יחוַיִּנְהַ֣ג אֶת־כָּל־מִקְנֵ֗הוּ וְאֶת־כָּל־רְכֻשׁוֹ֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר רָכָ֔שׁ מִקְנֵה֙ קִנְיָנ֔וֹ אֲשֶׁ֥ר רָכַ֖שׁ בְּפַדַּ֣ן אֲרָ֑ם לָב֛וֹא אֶל־יִצְחָ֥ק אָבִ֖יו אַ֥רְצָה כְּנָֽעַן:


Meanwhile, Laban was away, shearing his sheep. Rachel stole the fetishes that belonged to her father.
VeLavan halach ligzoz et-tsono vatignov Rachel et-hatrafim asher le'aviha.

יטוְלָבָ֣ן הָלַ֔ךְ לִגְזֹ֖ז אֶת־צֹאנ֑וֹ וַתִּגְנֹ֣ב רָחֵ֔ל אֶת־הַתְּרָפִ֖ים אֲשֶׁ֥ר לְאָבִֽיהָ:


Jacob decided to go behind the back of Laban the Aramaean, and did not tell him that he was leaving.
Vayignov Ya'akov et-lev Lavan ha'Arami al-beli higid lo ki voreach hu.

כוַיִּגְנֹ֣ב יַֽעֲקֹ֔ב אֶת־לֵ֥ב לָבָ֖ן הָֽאֲרַמִּ֑י עַל־בְּלִי֙ הִגִּ֣יד ל֔וֹ כִּ֥י בֹרֵ֖חַ הֽוּא:


He thus fled with all he owned. He set out and crossed the Euphrates, heading in the direction of the Gilead Mountains.
Vayivrach hu vechol-asher-lo vayakom vaya'avod et-hanahar vayasem et-panav har haGil'ad.

כאוַיִּבְרַ֥ח הוּא֙ וְכָל־אֲשֶׁר־ל֔וֹ וַיָּ֖קָם וַיַּֽעֲבֹ֣ר אֶת־הַנָּהָ֑ר וַיָּ֥שֶׂם אֶת־פָּנָ֖יו הַ֥ר הַגִּלְעָֽד:


On the third day, Laban was informed that Jacob had fled.
Vayugad le-Lavan bayom hashlishi ki varach Ya'akov.

כבוַיֻּגַּ֥ד לְלָבָ֖ן בַּיּ֣וֹם הַשְּׁלִישִׁ֑י כִּ֥י בָרַ֖ח יַֽעֲקֹֽב:


He took along his kinsmen and pursued [Jacob] for seven days, intercepting him in the Gilead Mountains.
Vayikach et-echav imo vayirdof acharav derech shiv'at yamim vayadbek oto behar haGil'ad.

כגוַיִּקַּ֤ח אֶת־אֶחָיו֙ עִמּ֔וֹ וַיִּרְדֹּ֣ף אַֽחֲרָ֔יו דֶּ֖רֶךְ שִׁבְעַ֣ת יָמִ֑ים וַיַּדְבֵּ֥ק אֹת֖וֹ בְּהַ֥ר הַגִּלְעָֽד:


God appeared to Laban the Aramaean that night in a dream, and said, 'Be very careful not to say anything, good or bad, to Jacob.'
Vayavo Elohim el-Lavan ha'Arami bachalom halaylah vayomer lo hishamer lecha pen-tedaber im-Ya'akov mitov ad-ra.

כדוַיָּבֹ֧א אֱלֹהִ֛ים אֶל־לָבָ֥ן הָֽאֲרַמִּ֖י בַּֽחֲלֹ֣ם הַלָּ֑יְלָה וַיֹּ֣אמֶר ל֗וֹ הִשָּׁ֧מֶר לְךָ֛ פֶּן־תְּדַבֵּ֥ר עִם־יַֽעֲקֹ֖ב מִטּ֥וֹב עַד־רָֽע:


Laban then overtook Jacob. Jacob had set up his tents on a hill, while Laban had stationed his kinsmen on Mount Gilead.
Vayaseg Lavan et-Ya'akov veYa'akov taka et-aholo bahar veLavan taka et-echav beHar haGil'ad.

כהוַיַּשֵּׂ֥ג לָבָ֖ן אֶת־יַֽעֲקֹ֑ב וְיַֽעֲקֹ֗ב תָּקַ֤ע אֶת־אָֽהֳלוֹ֙ בָּהָ֔ר וְלָבָ֛ן תָּקַ֥ע אֶת־אֶחָ֖יו בְּהַ֥ר הַגִּלְעָֽד:


Laban said to Jacob, 'How could you do this? You went behind my back and led my daughters away like prisoners of war!
Vayomer Lavan le-Ya'akov meh asita vatignov et-levavi vatenaheg et-benotay kishvuyot charev.

כווַיֹּ֤אמֶר לָבָן֙ לְיַֽעֲקֹ֔ב מֶ֣ה עָשִׂ֔יתָ וַתִּגְנֹ֖ב אֶת־לְבָבִ֑י וַתְּנַהֵג֙ אֶת־בְּנֹתַ֔י כִּשְׁבֻי֖וֹת חָֽרֶב:


Why did you have to leave so secretly? You went behind my back and told me nothing! Why, I would have sent you off with celebration and song, with drum and lyre!
Lamah nachbeta livroach vatignov oti velo-higadeta li va'ashalechacha besimcha uveshirim betoch uvechinor.

כזלָ֤מָּה נַחְבֵּ֨אתָ֙ לִבְרֹ֔חַ וַתִּגְנֹ֖ב אֹתִ֑י וְלֹֽא־הִגַּ֣דְתָּ לִּ֔י וָֽאֲשַׁלֵּֽחֲךָ֛ בְּשִׂמְחָ֥ה וּבְשִׁרִ֖ים בְּתֹ֥ף וּבְכִנּֽוֹר:


You didn't even let me kiss my grandsons and daughters goodbye.

'What you did was very foolish.
Velo netashtani lenashek levanay velivnotay atah hiskalta aso.

כחוְלֹ֣א נְטַשְׁתַּ֔נִי לְנַשֵּׁ֥ק לְבָנַ֖י וְלִבְנֹתָ֑י עַתָּ֖ה הִסְכַּ֥לְתָּ עֲשֽׂוֹ:


I have it in my power to do you great harm. But your father's God spoke to me last night and said, 'Be very careful not to say anything, good or bad, to Jacob.'
Yesh-le'el yadi la'asot imachem ra ve'Elohey avichem emesh amar elay lemor hishamer lecha midaber im-Ya'akov mitov ad-ra.

כטיֶשׁ־לְאֵ֣ל יָדִ֔י לַֽעֲשׂ֥וֹת עִמָּכֶ֖ם רָ֑ע וֵֽאלֹהֵ֨י אֲבִיכֶ֜ם אֶ֣מֶשׁ | אָמַ֧ר אֵלַ֣י לֵאמֹ֗ר הִשָּׁ֧מֶר לְךָ֛ מִדַּבֵּ֥ר עִם־יַֽעֲקֹ֖ב מִטּ֥וֹב עַד־רָֽע:


'I realize that you left because you missed your parents' home. But why did you have to steal my gods?'
Ve'atah haloch halachta ki-nichsof nichsaftah leveyt avicha lamah ganavta et-elohay.

לוְעַתָּה֙ הָלֹ֣ךְ הָלַ֔כְתָּ כִּֽי־נִכְסֹ֥ף נִכְסַ֖פְתָּה לְבֵ֣ית אָבִ֑יךָ לָ֥מָּה גָנַ֖בְתָּ אֶת־אֱלֹהָֽי:


Jacob spoke up. '[I left this way] because I was afraid,' he said. 'I thought that you might take your daughters away from me by force.
Vaya'an Ya'akov vayomer le-Lavan ki yareti ki amarti pen-tigzol et-benotecha me'imi.

לאוַיַּ֥עַן יַֽעֲקֹ֖ב וַיֹּ֣אמֶר לְלָבָ֑ן כִּ֣י יָרֵ֔אתִי כִּ֣י אָמַ֔רְתִּי פֶּן־תִּגְזֹ֥ל אֶת־בְּנוֹתֶ֖יךָ מֵֽעִמִּֽי:


If you find your gods with anyone here, let him not live! Let all our close relatives here be witnesses. See if there is anything belonging to you and take it back.' Jacob did not realize that Rachel had stolen them.
Im asher timtsa et-eloheycha lo yichyeh neged acheynu haker-lecha mah imadi vekach-lach velo-yada Ya'akov ki Rachel genavatam.

לבעִ֠ם אֲשֶׁ֨ר תִּמְצָ֣א אֶת־אֱלֹהֶ֘יךָ֘ לֹ֣א יִֽחְיֶה֒ נֶ֣גֶד אַחֵ֧ינוּ הַכֶּר־לְךָ֛ מָ֥ה עִמָּדִ֖י וְקַח־לָ֑ךְ וְלֹֽא־יָדַ֣ע יַֽעֲקֹ֔ב כִּ֥י רָחֵ֖ל גְּנָבָֽתַם:


Laban went into the tents of Jacob, Leah, and the two handmaids, but he found nothing. When he left Leah's tent, he went into Rachel's.
Vayavo Lavan be'ohel-Ya'akov uve'ohel Leah uve'ohel shtey ha'amahot velo matsa vayetse me'ohel Leah vayavo be'ohel Rachel.

לגוַיָּבֹ֨א לָבָ֜ן בְּאֹֽהֶל־יַֽעֲקֹ֣ב | וּבְאֹ֣הֶל לֵאָ֗ה וּבְאֹ֛הֶל שְׁתֵּ֥י הָֽאֲמָהֹ֖ת וְלֹ֣א מָצָ֑א וַיֵּצֵא֙ מֵאֹ֣הֶל לֵאָ֔ה וַיָּבֹ֖א בְּאֹ֥הֶל רָחֵֽל:


Rachel had taken the fetishes and placed them inside a camel cushion, sitting down on them. Laban inspected the entire tent, and found nothing.
VeRachel lakchah et-hatrafim vatesimem bechar hagamal vateshev aleyhem vayemashesh Lavan et-kol-ha'ohel velo matsa.

לדוְרָחֵ֞ל לָֽקְחָ֣ה אֶת־הַתְּרָפִ֗ים וַתְּשִׂמֵ֛ם בְּכַ֥ר הַגָּמָ֖ל וַתֵּ֣שֶׁב עֲלֵיהֶ֑ם וַיְמַשֵּׁ֥שׁ לָבָ֛ן אֶת־כָּל־הָאֹ֖הֶל וְלֹ֥א מָצָֽא:


[Rachel] said to her father, 'Do not be angry, my lord, but I cannot get up for you. I have my female period.' Laban searched, but he did not find the fetishes.
Vatomer el-aviha al-yichar be'eyney adoni ki lo uchal lakum mipaneycha ki derech nashim li vayechapes velo matsa et-hatrafim.

להוַתֹּ֣אמֶר אֶל־אָבִ֗יהָ אַל־יִ֨חַר֙ בְּעֵינֵ֣י אֲדֹנִ֔י כִּ֣י ל֤וֹא אוּכַל֙ לָק֣וּם מִפָּנֶ֔יךָ כִּי־דֶ֥רֶךְ נָשִׁ֖ים לִ֑י וַיְחַפֵּ֕שׂ וְלֹ֥א מָצָ֖א אֶת־הַתְּרָפִֽים:


Jacob was angry, and he argued with Laban, asserting himself. 'What is my crime?' he exclaimed. 'What terrible thing did I do that you came chasing me like this?
Vayichar le-Ya'akov vayarev beLavan vaya'an Ya'akov vayomer le-Lavan mah-pish'i mah chatati ki dalakta acharay.

לווַיִּ֥חַר לְיַֽעֲקֹ֖ב וַיָּ֣רֶב בְּלָבָ֑ן וַיַּ֤עַן יַֽעֲקֹב֙ וַיֹּ֣אמֶר לְלָבָ֔ן מַה־פִּשְׁעִי֙ מַ֣ה חַטָּאתִ֔י כִּ֥י דָלַ֖קְתָּ אַֽחֲרָֽי:


You inspected all my things - what did you find from your house? Place it right here! In front of my relatives and yours! Let them determine which of us is right!
Ki-mishashta et-kol-kelay mah-matsata mikol kley-veytecha sim koh neged achay ve'acheycha veyochichu beyn shneynu.

לזכִּֽי־מִשַּׁ֣שְׁתָּ אֶת־כָּל־כֵּלַ֗י מַה־מָּצָ֨אתָ֙ מִכֹּ֣ל כְּלֵֽי־בֵיתֶ֔ךָ שִׂ֣ים כֹּ֔ה נֶ֥גֶד אַחַ֖י וְאַחֶ֑יךָ וְיוֹכִ֖יחוּ בֵּ֥ין שְׁנֵֽינוּ:


'Twenty years I worked for you! All that time, your sheep and goats never lost their young. Not once did I ever take a ram from your flocks as food.
Zeh esrim shanah anochi imach recheleycha ve'izeycha lo shikelu ve'eyley tsoncha lo achalti.

לחזֶה֩ עֶשְׂרִ֨ים שָׁנָ֤ה אָֽנֹכִי֙ עִמָּ֔ךְ רְחֵלֶ֥יךָ וְעִזֶּ֖יךָ לֹ֣א שִׁכֵּ֑לוּ וְאֵילֵ֥י צֹֽאנְךָ֖ לֹ֥א אָכָֽלְתִּי:


I never brought you an animal that had been attacked - I took the blame myself. You made me make it good whether it was carried off by day or by night.
Trefah lo-heveti eleycha anochi achatenah miyadi tevakshenah genuvti yom ugenuvti laylah.

לטטְרֵפָה֙ לֹֽא־הֵבֵ֣אתִי אֵלֶ֔יךָ אָֽנֹכִ֣י אֲחַטֶּ֔נָּה מִיָּדִ֖י תְּבַקְשֶׁ֑נָּה גְּנֻֽבְתִ֣י י֔וֹם וּגְנֻֽבְתִ֖י לָֽיְלָה:


'By day I was consumed by the scorching heat, and at night by the frost, when sleep was snatched from my eyes.
Hayiti vayom achalani chorev vekerach balaylah vatidad shenati me'eynay.

מהָיִ֧יתִי בַיּ֛וֹם אֲכָלַ֥נִי חֹ֖רֶב וְקֶ֣רַח בַּלָּ֑יְלָה וַתִּדַּ֥ד שְׁנָתִ֖י מֵֽעֵינָֽי:


Twenty years now I have worked for you in your estate - fourteen years for your two daughters, and six years for some of your flocks. You changed my wages ten times!
Zeh-li esrim shanah beveytecha avadeticha arba-esreh shanah bishtey venoteycha veshesh shanim betsonecha vatachalef et-maskurti aseret monim.

מאזֶה־לִּ֞י עֶשְׂרִ֣ים שָׁנָה֘ בְּבֵיתֶ֒ךָ֒ עֲבַדְתִּ֜יךָ אַרְבַּע־עֶשְׂרֵ֤ה שָׁנָה֙ בִּשְׁתֵּ֣י בְנֹתֶ֔יךָ וְשֵׁ֥שׁ שָׁנִ֖ים בְּצֹאנֶ֑ךָ וַתַּֽחֲלֵ֥ף אֶת־מַשְׂכֻּרְתִּ֖י עֲשֶׂ֥רֶת מֹנִֽים:


'If the God of my fathers - the God of Abraham and the Dread of Isaac - had not been with me, you would have sent me away empty handed! But God saw my plight and the work of my hands. Last night, He rendered judgment!'
Luley Elohey avi Elohey Avraham ufachad Yitschak hayah li ki atah reykam shilachtani et-oni ve'et-yegia kapay ra'ah Elohim vayochach amesh.

מבלוּלֵ֡י אֱלֹהֵ֣י אָבִי֩ אֱלֹהֵ֨י אַבְרָהָ֜ם וּפַ֤חַד יִצְחָק֙ הָ֣יָה לִ֔י כִּ֥י עַתָּ֖ה רֵיקָ֣ם שִׁלַּחְתָּ֑נִי אֶת־עָנְיִ֞י וְאֶת־יְגִ֧יעַ כַּפַּ֛י רָאָ֥ה אֱלֹהִ֖ים וַיּ֥וֹכַח אָֽמֶשׁ:


Seventh Reading
Laban interrupted Jacob. 'The daughters are my daughters! The sons are my sons! The flocks are my flocks! All that you see is mine! But my daughters....what can I do to them today? Or to the children they have born?
Vaya'an Lavan vayomer el-Ya'akov habanot benotay vehabanim banay vehatson tsoni vechol asher-atah ro'eh li-hu velivenotay mah-e'eseh la'eleh hayom o livneyhen asher yaladu.

מגוַיַּ֨עַן לָבָ֜ן וַיֹּ֣אמֶר אֶל־יַֽעֲקֹ֗ב הַבָּנ֨וֹת בְּנֹתַ֜י וְהַבָּנִ֤ים בָּנַי֙ וְהַצֹּ֣אן צֹאנִ֔י וְכֹ֛ל אֲשֶׁר־אַתָּ֥ה רֹאֶ֖ה לִי־ה֑וּא וְלִבְנֹתַ֞י מָה־אֶֽעֱשֶׂ֤ה לָאֵ֨לֶּה֙ הַיּ֔וֹם א֥וֹ לִבְנֵיהֶ֖ן אֲשֶׁ֥ר יָלָֽדוּ:


Now come! Let's make a treaty - you and I. Let there be a tangible evidence of it between you and me.'
Ve'atah lecha nichretah vrit ani va'atah vehayah le'ed beyni uveynecha.

מדוְעַתָּ֗ה לְכָ֛ה נִכְרְתָ֥ה בְרִ֖ית אֲנִ֣י וָאָ֑תָּה וְהָיָ֥ה לְעֵ֖ד בֵּינִ֥י וּבֵינֶֽךָ:


Jacob took a boulder and raised it as a pillar.
Vayikach Ya'akov aven vayerimeha matsevah.

מהוַיִּקַּ֥ח יַֽעֲקֹ֖ב אָ֑בֶן וַיְרִימֶ֖הָ מַצֵּבָֽה:


'Gather stones!' he said to his relatives. They took stones and made a large mound. They ate there on top of the mound.
Vayomer Ya'akov le'echav liktu avanim vayikchu avanim vaya'asu-gal vayochlu sham al-hagal.

מווַיֹּ֨אמֶר יַֽעֲקֹ֤ב לְאֶחָיו֙ לִקְט֣וּ אֲבָנִ֔ים וַיִּקְח֥וּ אֲבָנִ֖ים וַיַּֽעֲשׂוּ־גָ֑ל וַיֹּ֥אכְלוּ שָׁ֖ם עַל־הַגָּֽל:


Laban called it Witness Mound (Yegar Sahadutha), but Jacob named it Gal'ed.
Vayikra-lo Lavan yegar sahaduta veYa'akov kara lo Gal'ed.

מזוַיִּקְרָא־ל֣וֹ לָבָ֔ן יְגַ֖ר שָֽׂהֲדוּתָ֑א וְיַ֣עֲקֹ֔ב קָ֥רָא ל֖וֹ גַּלְעֵֽד:


'This mound shall be a witness between you and me today, ' said Laban. 'That's why it is called Gal'ed.
Vayomer Lavan hagal hazeh ed beyni uveynecha hayom al-ken kara-shmo Gal'ed.

מחוַיֹּ֣אמֶר לָבָ֔ן הַגַּ֨ל הַזֶּ֥ה עֵ֛ד בֵּינִ֥י וּבֵֽינְךָ֖ הַיּ֑וֹם עַל־כֵּ֥ן קָֽרָא־שְׁמ֖וֹ גַּלְעֵֽד:


[Let the pillar be called] Watchpost (Mitzpah). Let it be said that God will keep watch between you and me when we are out of each other's sight.
Vehamitspah asher amar yitsef Adonay beyni uveynecha ki nisater ish mere'ehu.

מטוְהַמִּצְפָּה֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר אָמַ֔ר יִ֥צֶף יְהֹוָ֖ה בֵּינִ֣י וּבֵינֶ֑ךָ כִּ֥י נִסָּתֵ֖ר אִ֥ישׁ מֵֽרֵעֵֽהוּ:


If you degrade my daughters, or marry other women in addition to them, there may be no one with us, but you must always realize that God is the Witness between you and me.'
Im-te'aneh et-benotay ve'im tikach nashim al-benotay eyn ish imanu re'eh Elohim ed beyni uveynecha.

נאִם־תְּעַנֶּ֣ה אֶת־בְּנֹתַ֗י וְאִם־תִּקַּ֤ח נָשִׁים֙ עַל־בְּנֹתַ֔י אֵ֥ין אִ֖ישׁ עִמָּ֑נוּ רְאֵ֕ה אֱלֹהִ֥ים עֵ֖ד בֵּינִ֥י וּבֵינֶֽךָ:


Laban then said, 'Here is the mound and here is the pillar that I have set up between us.
Vayomer Lavan le-Ya'akov hineh hagal hazeh vehineh hamatsevah asher yariti beyni uveynecha.

נאוַיֹּ֥אמֶר לָבָ֖ן לְיַֽעֲקֹ֑ב הִנֵּ֣ה | הַגַּ֣ל הַזֶּ֗ה וְהִנֵּה֙ הַמַּצֵּבָ֔ה אֲשֶׁ֥ר יָרִ֖יתִי בֵּינִ֥י וּבֵינֶֽךָ:


The mound shall be a witness, and the pillar shall be a witness. I am not to go beyond the mound with bad intentions, and you are not to go beyond the mound and pillar.
Ed hagal hazeh ve'edah hamatsevah im-ani lo-e'evor eleycha et-hagal hazeh ve'im-atah lo ta'avor elay et-hagal hazeh ve'et hamatsevah hazot lera'ah.

נבעֵ֚ד הַגַּ֣ל הַזֶּ֔ה וְעֵדָ֖ה הַמַּצֵּבָ֑ה אִם־אָ֗נִי לֹא־אֶֽעֱבֹ֤ר אֵלֶ֨יךָ֙ אֶת־הַגַּ֣ל הַזֶּ֔ה וְאִם־אַ֠תָּ֠ה לֹא־תַֽעֲבֹ֨ר אֵלַ֜י אֶת־הַגַּ֥ל הַזֶּ֛ה וְאֶת־הַמַּצֵּבָ֥ה הַזֹּ֖את לְרָעָֽה:


May the God of Abraham, the god of Nachor, and the god of their fathers be our judge.'

Jacob swore by the Dread of his father Isaac.
Elohey Avraham ve'Elohey Nachor yishpetu veyneynu Elohey avihem vayishava Ya'akov befachad aviv Yitschak.

נגאֱלֹהֵ֨י אַבְרָהָ֜ם וֵֽאלֹהֵ֤י נָחוֹר֙ יִשְׁפְּט֣וּ בֵינֵ֔ינוּ אֱלֹהֵ֖י אֲבִיהֶ֑ם וַיִּשָּׁבַ֣ע יַֽעֲקֹ֔ב בְּפַ֖חַד אָבִ֥יו יִצְחָֽק:


He then butchered an animal on the hill, and invited his relatives to break bread. They had a meal and spent the night on the hill.
Vayizbach Ya'akov zevach bahar vayikra le'echav le'echol-lachem vayochlu lechem vayalinu bahar.

נדוַיִּזְבַּ֨ח יַֽעֲקֹ֥ב זֶ֨בַח֙ בָּהָ֔ר וַיִּקְרָ֥א לְאֶחָ֖יו לֶֽאֱכָל־לָ֑חֶם וַיֹּ֣אכְלוּ לֶ֔חֶם וַיָּלִ֖ינוּ בָּהָֽר:














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